Southwest Wildlife Online Tracking Training

Our Team

Bob Ollerton
Founder and Instructor
He receive the Track & Sign Specialist certification at San Diego County in 2020 and Tracker III certification in South Africa in 2016.
Kim Cabrera
Lead Instructor
Track & Sign Specialist - Cybertracker certification for woodland and desert biomes. Kim also created and administers the Animals Don't Cover Their Tracks and CyberTracker Specialist Evaluation Study Buddies Facebook groups. There is a huge amount of tracking information on Kim's website.
Kersey Lawrence Ph.D.
Kersey Lawrence Ph.D. is currently the first and only woman tracker in the world to earn a Senior Tracker qualification, which required her to achieve a Track & Sign Specialist (2011, South Africa) and a Trailing Specialist qualification (2016, USA). Kersey is a Track & Sign Evaluator in Africa where she has been assessing trackers since 2014, and a Trailing Evaluator in North America. She is a qualified guide on the FGASA (the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa). Kersey received her Ph.D. from U. Conn. in 2020 on trackers and tracking in Southern Africa. Kersey is also the owner of Original Wisdom.
Jonathan Poppele
Jon is certified by Cybertracker as a Track & Sign Specialist in both desert and woodland biomes and holds a Tracker III certification in South Africa. He is a naturalist, author and educator who works to help people connect more deeply to themselves, to others, and to the natural world. He earned a master’s degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Minnesota studying citizen science and ways to cultivate a personal relationship with nature and taught at the U of M for many years before leaving to focus on his own projects. Jon is the founder and director of the Minnesota Wildlife Tracking Project and the author of Animal Tracks of the Midwest, now in its second edition. Jon is also Head Instructor of the Minnesota Ki Society in Saint Paul, MN, where he teaches meditation, mindfulness, and the peaceful martial art of Ki-Aikido.
So Sinopoulos-Lloyd
So Sinopoulos-Lloyd is a nature-based educator and anthrozoology graduate student living in the Methow Valley of Washington. They hold a Professional and a Specialist certification in track & sign from the Methow Valley and Western Washington, respectively. So grew up in the northern hardwood forests of Vermont but has become fascinated by the high desert and shrub-steppe in their time living on the west coast and intermountain west. So's current areas of interest lie in visual perception and learning, comparative cognition in mammal and birds, and movement ecology.
Wyatt Harris
Track & Sign Specialist - Cybertracker Specialist certification at Los Padres National Forest/Cuyama. Wyatt is the current president of the Ventura County Wildlife Trackers.
Ann Hunkins
Ann Hunkins is a tracking and nature educator living in Santa Fe, NM. She achieved her Track & Sign Specialist certification with Cybertracker in 2023 in Southern California (Desert) and a Level III in Trailing in Wisconsin, 2022. She loves teaching and also studies bird language and many other skills.
Terry Hunefeld
Terry Hunefeld holds a Professional Certificate in Track & Sign from Tracker Certification North America (TCNA). He lives in the desert village of Borrego Springs, California surrounded by a thousand square miles of Sonoran Desert wilderness known as the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. Terry is a board member of the San Diego Tracking Team, certified Naturalist for California State Parks, an outings leader for the Anza Borrego Desert State Park, the Anza Borrego Foundation, and the Anza Borrego Desert Natural History Association. An avid advocate for the TCNA Cybertracker learning process,
Beth McCooey
Beth holds a Professional Certificate in Track & Sign from Tracker Certification North America and serves on the board of the San Diego Tracking Team.

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